Friday, December 5, 2008


I adore Britney Spears. At first it was the delight of seeing her new video on MTV every 3 hours (how times have changed), to see what she was going do next either a magazine cover or performance. Yes it may have being mimed but it was still damn good. Look back at the earlier MTV music awards performances and tell me they don't have some credibility.

I know things began to take a slippery slope but it made me love her even more. She became my Madonna, my Micheal Jackson, all of whom have had their share of mistakes but still hold their crowns firmly. Although I screamed at the annoyance and disappointment of her doing something stupid again, i was engrossed! Her presence on my computer was never put on hold, even though i was angry with her. I could never quite stop reading in hope that it would get better, that she would get better!

You could say I became one of her children. Many may rise their brow at such a statement. However you must think about what I'm about to say. When I say children, I speak of fans. Fans an extremely important factor to any artist and no one can deny the shit us Britney fans had to put up with, in the last three years. No other fans would put up with it, maybe with the exception of Madonna. Britney fans are more than your normal 'boyband tag along' fans, we stay for the long haul. For that reason I'd never question her legacy. She has kept her army of fans and they're the only ones that matter in the end of day. People who diss her aren't going to buy her albums, it's the people who stick by her who will. You may claim that she'll never sell as much as she use too, but no artist will ever sell the amount that were sold back then, times have changed, music has changed.

I feel I'm beginning drift off the point. The bottom line is and you haters better learn to accept this, Britney is an icon. She's an icon because she has survived. She delivered the goods, kept giving and ten years later she's still giving. We seen her dark days, the media would not let you forget it but she's back. Maybe not to her peak but you have to remember it was only this January that she was strapped to a stretcher been brought to hospital for an psychiatric illness. What she has achieved so far this year is astonishing. She has told us that she, "goes through life like a karate kid". To me that defines her as icon. Why? After all she achieved, to have fallen so far from the top and get back up to reclaim her title so gracefully, she has proven she can kiss ass-wouldn't you consider that iconic?


Etain said...

Wow - looking forward to reading Davih speak!!!!!!


UnaRocks said...

She's absolutely an icon! Good post Davih!

Anonymous said...

I vote for a LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE-esque video post.


Etain said...

That would be spectacular.