Tuesday, December 29, 2009

if there's a will, there's a christmas decoration

Last Christmas was tough, I just lost the festive spirit. However this year I think it was restored to some extent, I was evening working from the 25th-27th and not a bother.

I think it's mainly because of my niece. Last year she just crawled around not doing much, this year she says 'Ho ho!', at the sight of Santa and gets all excited when the Christmas tree lights go on. Not only that but the Christmas shopping, getting to see the lights on people's houses and most importantly, the decorations.

Yes Christmas tree decorations are my favourite thing about Christmas, I just adore them. I dressed the tree this year, I was in awe with how beautiful my tree was. I would actually prefer to watch the tree than a film, it puts my mind at ease. I make it my duty that decorations are bought for the tree every year, one year I even got Christmas decorations for my mam's Christmas present. The above picture is not justifiable in comparison to the decorations that tangle gracefully on my tree.

You may laugh, but my tree is amazing. I have (and this is no lie) asked for the decorations to put in my mam's will. My sister has objected such a thing, the following only stresses how much these glowing objects are to me. She doesn't think its quite fair that I get ALL the decorations. I wouldn't mind but she's getting all her jewellery. She has developed a plan that the decorations should be divided, that one person picks five, then the other picks their five and so on until there is no decoration to spare.

However, this will never be the case. I will bring it to the courts if I have to, family or no family, these Christmas decorations are mine.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

people's rights ignored

I have being silent about my views of the Adam Lambert's performance at the American Music Awards which occurred over a week ago. To be honest in regards to his public show of affection, I think a lot of it was unnecessary and coming from a gay man, quite cringe-worthy!

However putting a poor performance aside, the way the media have handled this is beyond upsetting. CBS blurring out the kiss between the two men but leave the Britney and Madonna in full view to the watching public. Then to have some of his appearances to be cancelled, with Chris Brown taking over his spot. Like I just don't understand how such big channels can get away with such obvious homophobia, sexism and double standards.

I can understand that the gay oral sex may have offended some, but to blur out a gay kiss between to men, have we really become so low that we can't try to break down the barriers that so many gay people are trying to fight in our society. Like will they blur out two gay men holding hands next, just because it may offend the few that don't agree with the gay community's essence.

If this was a case on race or discriminating the poor or elderly, there would be uproar. ABC and CBS would be forced to apologise. Can't people see what they have done is so unethical and are teaching the youth, the next generation, the wrong message. Like throw on a women beater on telly but avoid the controversial homosexual. These channels would have never stopped such controversial artist like Madonna and Lady Gaga, they would probably encourage it.

All this proves to me that when discriminating against acts of homosexuality, people can get away with it. People who illistrate our society to the developing world are getting away with it. How can the fight for equal rights narrow if such sanctions are allowed to be demonstrated? I can understand that some of the performance was inappropriate but how the event is been published from the media to the public is just not right. It makes me question people's understanding of a blatant civil right, the "Protection of discrimination", based on race, gender, religion and not forgetting sexual orientation.

Am I going a bit overboard or do you agree?