Thursday, November 19, 2009

losing my religion

Last May when I first heard of Lady Gaga I thought she was amazing, the best thing since sliced butter. As the hits grew around the globe I continued to hymn the tunes.

But then came the outrageous outfits, ridiculous statements during concerts and a sense that everything is just one big act. In regard to this act I'm referring to, all the 'fakeness' that surrounded everything she was doing. It just felt like so much to soon. In 9 months it was constant, and she had already being giving the new reigning princess of pop title by my major hate 'Perez Hilton'. I think it's Perez's love for Gaga that really turned the tide, to be honest. He just has her on such a pedestal and it kills me, like I'm talking 'pass me the fucking robe' killing me. Everything was just amazing, not one criticism. Better than anything else in the whole wide world, not one flaw! This talk just pulled the robe tighter.

'Bad Romance' came along and I was like at last something not that great. But still annoyingly annoying Perez was blazing her halo a light. I'm close to pushing the chair at this stage.

Then this occured;

It left me hanging, I was gutted. Not because it was terrible and predictable but because it was amazing. I actually had to watch it again and again and again. I even began to love (not like but love) the song.

The reason this is killing me (and I mean physical pain here) is that Perez is right to have her on such a pedestal. Music and I centre on pop music when I speak, needs her. Without her it would be quite boring, nothing to it, same old stuff continued to been thrown at us. She is giving the whole package from the single's cover to her over the top performances. Nothing is lack'n'lazy with her, everything is to the full. People may say but she once had brown hair, it's all an act! But so fucking what, what she is doing is nothing short of allowing her creativity to run wild. She's making bold statements, causing controversy, giving her everything and still providing an A+ product in the consumer's hands and mind.

This post was actually difficult for me to write and you may laugh, but writing this means I've giving in to a lot of opinions that I wouldn't accept. Still in denial, I wont say things I may later regret......

.......I just hope Britney gives me something new and refreshing that will make me continue to be her loyal loving husband.

(I listened to Britney throughout writing this post just to hold on to some faith)

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