Tuesday, May 26, 2009

and the winner is

These three following acts with their following songs bring so much joy to my ears.

Who do you prefer?

What do I think? Well my ears are filled with so much euphoria of happiness with all 3, that it's really hard. They're all heading for the finish line and it may be a 3 way tie!

The first of the songs I discovered when I seen the new O2 priority advert, and with that 1 minute I immediately fell in love it. It's 'Cosmic Love' by Florence and the Machine. I couldn't wait to here the full version, and now I've found it. It's so good.

Next up is Noisettes with 'Never Forget You'....

The last is 'Mathematics' by Little Boots. I have loved this for the last 5 months and it hasn't grown old. To hear it in its full effect you'll have to listen to it in this made up video. I swear I'm not behind it, it just so happens more gay people have good taste.

So what you think?


Stephen said...

The full version of Cosmic Love is available here!:


davihspeaks said...

Thank you!