Sunday, January 25, 2009

the writing's on my ankle

When I went away to Thailand, Etain and myself got drunk one night. To be fair Etain was far drunker than myself but in the end we decided to get a tattoo on our ankle. We wanted something small. At one point I think a freckle was suggested but we soon said let's do some thing that means something to us both. So me, being very fond of my history and gay heritage, I suggest a triangle. It would be a triangle that points towards the ground, like the ones down below. This triangle represented the homosexuals that were killed in the concentration camps in Nazi-Germany.
We ended up getting a black triangle each. Then I thought to myself the pink triangle represents the gay men that were victimized in Nazi-Germany. Our triangles were black. So basically my triangles mean shit to me. They weren't pink, so they have nothing to with my heritage at all, I have a black triangle that means absolutely nothing to me. And if you saw the triangle, you wouldn't even think it was a bloody triangle, looks like a faded heart to me.

Then I thought myself, what does the black triangle actually represent?

Well, at first I discovered it represented the anti-social which included; mentally-disabled, homeless, alcoholics and prostitutes.

But then to my annoyance, I found that lesbians were giving this colour as a representation of their sexuality.

Well I'm not impressed! I'm actually becoming a lesbian. The majority of my close friends are lesbians. I had to stop going to the L word viewings because I felt I was becoming to close to having my penis fall off and then everything would change vagina like. But now I have a symbol on my ankle that says I'm a lesbian too.

What have I done?

I'm gonna have to get this thing changed quick especially before I start liking girls (oh my god, I think I'm going to vomit).

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